Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Combustion #2 Music Progress 8: A'

After a pretty slow day of not making much progress, Jordan and I sat down today to move forward to the next part of the song: A'.

The main thing we worked on was the chord progression. Here are the lyrics for this section:

"My house is a home, and these four walls are my grace.

Don't look.
Don't look out on the void."

We decided to start the progression with brighter chords, just like the beginning of the song. However, we wanted to get to a darker sound for the "Don't look" parts. The progression currently ends in A minor, which we will use to darken things up (the first A section is in the very bright key(s) of A Mixolydian/Major). We will still probably wind up tweaking what we have now though.

Also, it would make sense now to make a comment on what happens after the B section in more detail, since it is more clear in my head now, and since a few things have changed.

Essentially, we want the song to sound like it has started over. In an attempt to reflect the lyrics (which could be summarized by "the fear of commitment"), we have the song beginning with a simple melody. That melody is home. And that melody does not want leave home. But it tries to give it a shot anyway. And when it does (the B section), it as if the music is struggling to get back home. It gets completely frustrated, becoming agitated with the new tonal area and new melody... until it eventually comes to a complete stop.

It is here that we arrive at A'. Attempting to completely ignore what just happened, the melody tries to go right back to where it started. But this time it gives a stronger effort (with the added strings). However, as previously mentioned, things will get dark more quickly as the music finds it harder to stay home.

Eventually, this will lead into the climax of the piece (the C section). And once again, that section will decay in frustration back to an A section (A''). From there, the music will give one last half hearted effort to actually try and stray away from the familiar. It will change keys momentarily. However, like the speaker in the song, it will demonstrate that it finds change is too dangerous to be worth it.

The song will end with the same melody as the song begins. And the music will die out, as if weary from being so stubborn.

Sorry about the audio this time. There is some sort of piano glitch toward the beginning of the melody. Not sure what caused that to happen...

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