Saturday, June 7, 2014

About Kindlyn

Kindlyn (pronounced: Kindle-in) is the name of an upcoming multimedia album that primarily focuses on the marriage of music, poetry, and visual art.

Constantly inspired by music, novels, movies, anime, and video games, the minds behind Kindlyn aim to work rapidly, and hope produce one multimedia piece (to be known as Combustions) every month. Each explosive iteration will provide a bit of commentary on small, often overlooked aspects of life, and will be expressed through the thoughts and experiences of the inhabitants of the universe known as Kindlyn.

And best of all, for as long as we can sustain it, each Combustion will be released to the public for free! (And we are looking into releasing our "source code" to the public for remixes!)
By removing money as a motivator, we hope that our decisions will be rooted purely in our artistic taste, and that we will be able to reach as wide an audience as possible.

This is our chance to grow as artists, and to (hopefully) enrich lives with our art as well.
We hope you'll join us in watching this story unfold!

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