Saturday, September 6, 2014

Where have we been??

What happened? Where did we go? Is this another one of those projects that started with a group of excited people who gave up once everyone realized that creating things is work?

No. We've been working this whole time.

But it did kind of get that way with the updating the blog. Admittedly, none of us are very interested in blogging. But we have a plan now. We have been communicating elsewhere on the internet, and it occurred to us that we should just be communicating here to keep our ideas transparent.

So that's what we'll do from now on.

I should also mention that our pacing is totally off. I expected something like this to happen, but hoped it wouldn't. We wanted to be very rapid in the production of each Combustion, but in the end, we're very nit-picky. When we run into artistic problems, we approach the problem in many different ways, trying to arrive at the best solution that we are capable of producing. It can be a very slow process at times, although it is rewarding.

For the time being, we will be looking for ways to optimize our creative process. The goal is to work rapidly while keeping a high standard of quality. We hope to get to that point as soon as possible.

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